A Beginner's Guide to Color Psychology

Published By  admin at  October 30, 2018

Do you ever feel so energized after stepping foot into a specific room? Or do you get overwhelmed a certain place? If yes, then let us tell you that its likely because of the color that specific room has. Colors are closely connected to our emotions and are used extensively in branding and marketing, however, it’s also a compelling tool that possibly has more of an impact on the mood of a room than any other factor.

Various shades appeal to different emotions, so when discussing which color to choose for your home, it’s key to thinking about the kind of air you want to build and which colors will help you achieve this.

Applying Color Psychology To Everyday Life

Have you ever noticed that few places specifically irritate you? Or places that are especially relaxing and calming? It happens because the color in those places is a big part of influencing your mind and behavior. In art therapy, color is often related to an individual’s emotion. It may also impact an individual’s mental and physical state. For instance, few types of research have shown that people looking at the color red resulted in an increased heart rate, which resulted in additional adrenaline being pumped into the circulatory system.

You should study more about how color therapy works and how light and color might affect us. There are also commonly famous physiological effects of color because it relates to 2 ain categories which are warm and cool. Warm colors, such as red, yellow and orange can trace a diversity of emotions, ranging from comfort and warmth to anger and bitterness. Cool colors, such as blue, green and purple, mostly trace feelings of happiness as well as sadness.

Psychological effects of Warm colors

If you want to create a smooth environment for you and your guests and what their appetite, consider using the colors orange and yellow. These two are often related to food and can cause your tummy to growl a little. Have you ever thought why so many restaurants use these colors for their place? Well, now you know! Be careful with these colors as they reflect more light and extremely stimulate an individual’s eyes which lead to irritation.

Psychological effects of Cool Colors

If you want to encourage your creativity, try using colors such as purple, red and blue together. Light purple is said to encourage smooth surroundings and encourage one’s creative power.

Light purple is said to create a peaceful surrounding, thus result in relieving tension and stress. these could be great colors for your house and office. If you’re looking for some peaceful and calming atmosphere. These cold colors are typically reviewed as restful. There is actually a scientific logic behind this, as the human eye focuses the color gree directly on the retina, it is reviewed to be less stressful on eye muscles.

Always keep in mind that certain shades or tones may result in distinctive meanings. Also, the surroundings around the color can have an impact. Think of this as more a beginning guide to color psychology.
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